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Denise: “I’ve lost a lot of kilos and I'm happy!”

Denise: “I’ve lost a lot of kilos and I'm happy!”

“I’ve lost a lot of kilos and I'm happy!”

I felt very uncomfortable in my clothes or my own skin. When people asked, “do you want to come out?” I made excuses like “it's a bit short notice” because I always felt like I didn't have anything to wear or that I felt comfortable in. Then, one day I basically saw in a newspaper that Counterweight was offering a programme and I had a bit of faith, so I just gave it a go. And now a few months on, I've lost a lot of kilos and I'm happy!

“I then began to learn what a correct portion size should be”

You basically substitute your breakfast and also your lunch with a meal replacement shake or soup, which helped me alot because my problem was never that I ate a lot of takeaways or unhealthy food - my main problem was portion control. So obviously, by substituting two meals, I then began to learn what a correct portion size should be.

“The shakes were just really easy and quick to make and to drink and they tasted really nice as well - I love the cappuccino drink!”

As a mum of two, I really struggle sometimes to find the time to prepare my meals, because often the children eat different things to me. So having two meals not to worry about really was a life saver. The shakes, I could just take on the go! I work on the weekends in a restaurant and it's sometimes hard to sit down and eat, so the shakes were just really easy and quick to make and to drink and they tasted really nice as well - I love the cappuccino drink! 

“My partner has also lost weight. He ended up losing 10 kilos!”

I have now lost over 20 kilos, which I never thought would be possible, It’s changed my whole wardrobe! I mean, I literally sold all my clothes and with that money I treated myself to a whole new wardrobe. I also had a couple of outfits that I used to wear when I went to university, and now they fit again, which is amazing because I never thought I was going to fit into them again. My partner has also lost weight because he kind of ate less as well during my time on the programme mainly because I was cooking less. He ended up losing ten kilos! So both of our lives have really changed.

“The Counterweight programme has taught me what correct the portion sizes are”

My difficulty was portion sizes, and the Counterweight programme has taught me what correct the portion sizes are. So now, although I am no longer using meal replacements, I know that I need to eat less in order to maintain or lose weight. 

“You will see the results and the rewards”

I would definitely recommend the Counterweight programme, have a go and stick to it! I know it's hard and not always easy, but you will see the results and the rewards. The more rewards you see, the easier it becomes. Just don’t give up!


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